
Joseph V. Paterno 409

by Barry Bozeman, Second Mile Sandusky Sex Scandal

This is the first post written in honor of SMSSS inclusion in the FRAMING JOE PATERNO website to celebrate our commitment to the cause of restoring the legacy and reputation of Joe Paterno.

How the Media May Have Framed Joe Paterno

Regardless of what the final facts eventually say about what Joe Paterno knew and when he knew it about Jerry Sandusky’s criminal behavior (contrary to what the media has told you, they aren’t in yet and I have confronted very anti-Paterno "reporters" who admit this privately), the media coverage of him has been as unfair as any I have ever seen. In some ways, the media coverage of Joe Paterno has combined some of the worst elements of both the reporting of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the 2008 presidential election.

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