Exclusive: Mike McQueary Sent Pictures of His Penis to Joe Amendola's Former Fiance' (NSFW!!)
In 2012, in my first of what would be dozens of conversations with former Penn State President Graham Spanier, he told me many shocking things about Mike McQueary, the man whose infamous/nonsensical testimony brought down numerous good people and caused enormous harm. One of them was that he believed that when McQueary was contacted in late 2010 by investigators, who were trying to finally find some decent evidence against Jerry Sandusky, that Mike did NOT think that was the reason they wanted to speak to him.
Instead, Spanier told me, McQueary was likely terrified that they wanted to question him. This had nothing to do with Sandusky, but because he had significant past gambling issues and because he had sent naked pictures of his penis, through a Penn State phone, to a woman who was not his wife (he is now divorced). Spainer even gave me the name of a woman who he thought might have been sent those pictures.
The significance of this was immediately obvious to me. If true, it meant that McQueary had lied in his testimony when he claimed that he knew right away that the investigators wanted to talk to him about Sandusky, and that he was glad someone finally was on to Jerry. It also meant that Mike was particularly vulnerable to being manipulated by the authorities who, after two years without any evidence to corroborate Aaron Fisher’s highly-suspect claims against Sandusky, were desperate to finally cobble together enough of a case to facilitate an arrest.
Spanier was not the only person extremely involved in the case who told me about the McQueary penis pictures. Jay Paterno, who had coached very closely with McQueary, also mentioned them independently while drawing me this sketch of the infamous shower, which seemed to indicate that Mike simply could not have witnessed what he claimed to have (the word scribbled to the right of the sketch is "mirror," and the shower is at the top, while the locker area, where McQueary said he was, is at the bottom).

Jay also said that he had seen at least one photo in question himself, though he joked, “Well, it was either Mike, or Ronald McDonald” (a reference to McQueary’s blazing red hair).
I have always felt that the penis pictures were a key piece of the McQueary puzzle, but I was never able to fully confirm the story on my own. I was once sent some pictures, second-hand, which certainly were Mike and very racy, but he was not naked in them and the woman involved, like SO many people in this case, was too cowardly to talk on the record.
Then, in 2014, ESPN star reporter Don Van Natta spoke to me about a profile he was doing on McQueary for ESPN Magazine. During that interview, which I recorded, Van Natta bragged about how he had the entire penis picture story covered, all the way down to the phone records of Mike’s panicked calls to friends convinced that his career would be over once Joe Paterno found out about the pictures.
Van Natta made it VERY clear that he was going to report on this aspect of the story in his profile. However, when the article came out, this entire element was “mysteriously” missing. Here is my discussion with Van Natta along with him trying, in vain, to explain to radio host Kevin Slaten, how it was that this part of the story somehow got edited out:
Obviously what really happened was that the powers at ESPN, the very same people who created much of the false narrative at the start of this case, wanted no part of raising doubt about whether they may have gotten the whole thing dead wrong. They then forced Van Natta to take it out of the story and consequently he either got removed from the Penn State case entirely, or simply left it on his own out of frustration.
I had pretty much given up on the penis picture angle until very recently when I was contacted by a female supporter named Jess Stewart who said that she had been messaging with McQueary (provoked by him getting a lot of good press for, rather ironically, helping a victim of a car accident) and that he had gotten very sexual, very quickly. She made it clear that she was just doing this to see if she might be able to get some information on McQueary regarding the case and had no interest in him personally. At that point they had never even spoken.
Stewart’s involvement was particularly interesting because Stewart feels strongly that Sandusky is innocent. She thinks this because, get this, she was Sandusky attorney Joe Amendola’s girlfriend/fiancé during the trial (though there is no indication that McQueary knew about her connection to the case, at least until now)!
Having been so frustrated by people hanging me out to dry in this case, I have long ago vowed to stop chasing even marginally questionable people. However, even though I was pretty sure I already knew how this would end, I decided that this was just too good not to at least pursue.
I spoke to her on the phone and explained the “penis picture” situation, which she knew nothing about. I asked her if she could try to get him to send her one. She agreed to do so. It turned out that, just as I suspected, she didn’t have to try very hard at all.
Her exchanges with McQueary began on Facebook and very quickly, after already turning sexual, shifted to texting. Here below, clearly NOT SAFE FOR WORK, are their exchanges, in order, as I was given them by Stewart. The picture McQueary sent of his penis has been blurred by us so as to not qualify as "pornography."
BTW, McQueary’s cell phone number is in one of the images. I have called and texted that number with very specific content related directly to Mike McQueary (even giving him a chance to respond to this story) and have gotten no response, which is exactly what I would have expected from his number. I haven’t redacted the number here because at least this post will have the effect of forcing McQueary to go through the aggravation of changing his cell phone (or at least the one he uses for sexting). So please feel free to use the number and tell him why you called/texted!

So, to be clear, there is now "porn" in the public record directly related to Mike McQueary, but absolutely none even remotely connected to Jerry Sandusky. Wrap your head around that fact...
It appears from my communication with Stewart that there were more messages/photos sent, especially after Mike send her a picture of his naked and erect penis, but despite her promises to send them to me, she never did. She also told me that they had a couple of phone conversations along the way.
While I already had enough to give me what I wanted (confirmation that this was really McQueary’s modes operandi and that he is much of a scoundrel as everyone has told me he is), I realized that, especially with the insanely high burden of proof I’m held to in this case, I needed to interview Stewart on the record about her experience.
She agreed to be interviewed on my podcast after I assured her that I would do everything I could to protect her identity. However, having been through this game many times before I knew that it was highly likely that she would eventually back out.
There is a weird phenomenon, which I have learned about after being burned many times, where people who have information want to help, but because of the toxic nature of this story are unwilling to follow all the way through. My theory is that the initial act of contacting me and getting/providing potentially helpful information is enough to placate their conscience, so when it comes time to going public they mistakenly think they have already done something “good” and can therefore rationalize bailing out, usually at the urging of a spouse (I also have another theory that this keeps happening in this case because almost everyone who has important information is also low-life white-trash, which is a large part of why this story happened to begin with).
Sure enough, almost like clockwork, after disappearing for a few days, Stewart reneged on her agreement to do an interview with me and, like many others like her, decided to somehow blame me for why she was doing so, also while claiming someone else urged her to do so. Here is our exchange via Facebook when she let me know, just as I figured, that she was chickening out after, it is very important to note that SHE WAS THE ONE WHO INSTIGATED BOTH THE INTERACTION WITH MCQUEARY AND THEN WITH ME!

In case you are wondering why I choose to use Stewart’s name in this piece, I did so for two basic reasons. One, when she backed out of our agreement, I was no longer bound by my part of it. Second, I just don’t give a damn anymore.
As for what she says about Amendola urging her not to do the interview, Joe vehemently claimed to me that this is not true. I honestly don’t know what to believe, and have pretty much stopped caring about this part, too.
I DO know that Mike McQueary is lying dirt bag who is now super-rich, Jerry Sandusky is an innocent man who is going to die in prison, while Graham Spanier, Tim Curley, and Gary Schultz are also innocent men who may still go to prison, and hardly anyone seems to give a rat’s ass about all of this injustice.