Exclusive Penn State Polling Results!

Dear supporters of FramingPaterno.com:
Thank you for your support in this cause. Because of your backing we were able to commission a remarkable national poll of the public's knowledge (or lack thereof) regarding the Sandsuky scandal. As promised, I am giving you these incredible results first.
They will NOT be public until 7:30 pm eastern time today, so please keep this to yourself until then. At THAT time I request you bombard all of your contacts (especially any that might be in the media) with the following link. Please get your friends to do the same.
I also wanted to make you aware of phase two of our plan. We are trying to provide free T-shirts to as many students as possible for the first Penn State game. At the following link you can see what we have in mind and, if you are so inclined, support the project.
Thanks again for all of your support. Together I am confident that, as long as we don't give up, eventually the truth will win out.
John Ziegler
[email protected]
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