My Last Email Exchange With Jim Clemente
[email protected]
What are you talking about???
You are either completely full of crap or you have the most rationalized memory I have ever heard of.You told me 15 minutes before going on CNN that "V2 is having a hard time with this and I would like you to not use the name." That is a fact and that was also a lie. You can blame it on Chris, but that is what you told me and it was a total lie.
Chris had no contact at all with V2. I don't know if you have convinced yourself that Chris and you didn't perpetrate a lie, but it was very clear to me that Chris never had any contact with anyone remotely related to V2.
Then, after having changed my entire plan on CNN and having my head fucked with by you (dramatically impacting how that show went), I asked you if it was a good idea to offer V2 to speak to me and explain his position. You said yes, but that was another lie because, obviously, it turned out Chris had no actual contact with V2 or his attorney.
Then, based on your lies, I put out a statement explaining what I was doing and TMZ (along with many who followed) portrayed me as a dirt bad for "blackmailing" a victim into doing a "interview" with me. You sat by and did nothing.
I had to beg you to send one wimpified tweet to just prove that V2's name on the website occurred by mistake. That is where your cowardice comes in (all your actions at this time were clearly motivated by fear of the reaction of your fellow victims rights terrorists).
You have very little credibility with me any more Jim. I have caught you in too many lies and your work is simply so shoddy/illogical that I presume you are either lying or wrong about everything, For instance, where the hell did you get the idea (as you wrote on Twitter) that we were introduced by Scott Paterno for you to vet my work? That is a flat out lie or another example of how, at best, you are remembering things the way you want to.
This was the most important series of events in the history of my career and my already outstanding memory is crystal clear about all of this.
As for the case itself, you simply had a very poor knowledge base from which to write your report. This was not your fault because the story of V2 was not known then and nor was the fact that most of the victims, contrary to your theory, did indeed clearly prostitute their stories for money. You were just assuming that what everyone else was saying must be true.
Here's the reality Jim... I don't like Jerry Sandusky. My association with him has destroyed my career and damaged my life. I think he probably engaged in a lot of inappropriate touching (there is a legit author now writing a book that he is totally innocent, but I have told them that I don't currently think that is totally true), but I am now almost positive he never had "sex" with any of those boys. The evidence that he did is pathetic.
V1 was horrendous in his 3 grand jury appearances and is taking money from PSU (and suddenly making up stories on their campus) after saying clearly he doesn't blame them. He also got arrested for statutory rape. His credibility is shot.
V2 said nothing sexual ever happened and has not given a post settlement interview which means he will never speak publicly about this (or change that story) or he is writing a book which will vindicate my version of events (because a book doing anything else wouldn't be viable).
V3 no sex
V4 there is a tape of investigators conspiring with his attorney to lie to him to get him to claim sex.
V5 no sex and he is clearly lying/changing his story so he got more PSU money.
V6 no sex and an incident free 12 year relationship with JS.
V7 no sex
V8 doesn't exist (though I think it could be Allan and Allan doesn't know it) and the date destroys the credibility of the whole story
V9 only one who claims clear anal rape. Never given the exam which could have proven it, no description of Jerry's penis, huge logistical issues with the alleged timing, and he came forward after it was clear everyone was getting paid.
V10 a criminal and drug addict who never told anyone of his abuse, came forward after the free money and testified abuse occurred in a car that the Sanduskys clearly never owned.
Everything Jerry said is consistent with the chaste pedophile theory. And, unlike Michael Jackson there was zero:
Allegations of pay offs, use of alcohol, use of pornography, use of suggestive language, descriptions of his penis.
Dottie is totally convinced he is innocent and she is NOT delusional. She knows this case at least as well as you did when you wrote your report. Her life would be FAR easier if she threw Jerry under the bus, but she hasn't at all. Why Jim?
I did exactly what you told me to in trying to get Jerry to confess. You said it usually works and that I did a good job. Why did he only confess to exactly what I think he did (boundary pushing)?!
Jim, you blew this case and Paterno's last chance at exoneration. You probably didn't have enough info and presumed wrongly that this case is the same as all others, but it is not. There has never been a case where the victims were more assured of media protection and free money than this one. They didn't totally make up their stories, but they greatly exaggerated them to please those who questioned them and for the money.
I know you will never have the courage to admit this, especially not publicly (even though I think you know it is possible I am right), but that is the truth of this matter.
Thanks for reading.
John Ziegler
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: Jim <[email protected]>
To: talktozig <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 2:20 am
Subject: Re: Twitter
Sent from my iPhone
-----Original Message-----
From: John Ziegler <[email protected]>
To: efbeye <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 10:33 am
Subject: Re: Twitter
[email protected]